Traditional Sports Around the World

Traditional Sports Around the World

UNESCO has recognised certain sports as cultural heritage, particularly when they are rooted in a country’s history and culture. Yet many of these traditional games are at risk of disappearing from the landscape as they compete with more mainstream sports and newer generations lose interest in them.

In the past, link togel these sports served as a way to strengthen the social ties of communities and even ethnicities and nations. They were also a form of recreation and an expression of the human spirit. Fortunately, these sports and games are not lost forever and a few of them have been able to regain popularity in recent years.

These unique, sometimes bizarre traditional sports and games include shin-kicking, a one-on-one combat sport from England where players clench their upper bodies in a pose similar to the plum position in Muay Thai kickboxing or the clinch in Greco-Roman wrestling. Another is Beikou Tarikebei, a team-based game from China’s Daur people that looks much like field hockey but is played with sticks with curved roots and has been around for 1000 years.

Traditional Sports Around the World

There are many other interesting examples. In the UAE, camel racing isn’t just a sport but a national event with dozens of athletes running over a 25-km race track for an hour or so. Falconry, saluki racing and free-diving are the enduring skills of the Arabian Gulf where they’ve remained as a part of everyday life in addition to glamorous equestrian events.

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